Friday, March 26, 2010

Paul Mitchell Schools --- Caper 2010

Devri was invited to put a makeup team together for the Paul Mithcell Schools Las Vegas Caper February 9-11, 2010.

And what a group... 2010 Caper Makeup Team!
Sabrina, Kari Jo, Devri, Brittany, Stephanie, AnneRose (left to right)

Brittany displayed her brillient talent and spectacular design for the Alice segment. AnneRose with the style segment

The Color segment was built around an asian theme and included a beautiful white Kimono.

Kari Jo creating a beautiful color segment model

Stephanie works on the Vogue look with jeweled brow. Sabrina and Brittany finish work on their models. Beyonce's "Ring on it" was the inspration for the style segment.

Storyboard for ARCS - A Robert Cromeans Salon segment

Storyboard for Angus M - Alice in Wonderland

Alice Model - Queen of Harts

Alice Model - Mad Hatter

Wardrobe and hair finish the look!

And the show begins... Winn brings the team on stage to recognize their efforts
Don is busting a few buttons in the audeince... while playing papparazi.
Great photos Don!
Alice --- Wows the audience...!!!

Jewels... brought smiles to the faces with eye catching glitter!

ARCS... puts on an incredible show

Robert Cromeans brings the makeup team on stage a second time...

to invite the Caper Makeup team to Gathering 2010!!!

and the story July 2010!!!