Sunday, February 22, 2009

Karter Law
Karter is the first child of Landon and Jill. He could smile from day one... no honestly he was born smiling. Landon told me he was smiling from the hospital over the phone. I didn't believe him, until I saw it for myself at 4 days old. He is a happy child and very good natured!

My lucky day! Karter gets to come visit his Grandma Devri and Papa Tractor while his mom and dad attend the Temple. (We live 4 blocks from the Las Vegas Temple)
I had to try out the new camera I recieved as a Christmas present from Santa. This is my favorite pic of Karter. He is trying to open the pantry... of course! (see the sneaky smile?)

Here is Karter riding the horse his dad rode as a little boy... yes its that old! They did make toys to last in those days. And again... he is smiling!!!

Here is Karter and his Papa Tractor... they both seem to like green. Goes well with the eyes! They have a lot of fun playing together!

Karter is going to be a big brother in September!!!

Yeah... that will make 8 grandkids!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sydney Cora Law

We have a new little granddaughter!

Sydney was born February 4, 2009. 4:19am. She has beautiful, thick dark hair and dark eyes! I mentioned to her dad Jason (0ur oldest son) he should name her after his sister, Tajia. He told me flat out... "Nope!" All of their children have light hair and light eyes. This little one looks more like her dad's little sister, Tajia... So... I thought Tajia would be a great name. They choose Sydney. Which is also an amazing name... fits her perfectly.
Tajia with blonde haired older brother Connor.
Older sister Hailee... is also blonde hair, blue eyed (she got her eyes from grandma Devri... ask her she will tell you!) and Daniel... the oldest brother... blonde hair and green eyes (got his eyes from his Grandpa Don!)
The family when Connor was born... wow how time files. Jason, Page. Three incredible kids... Daniel, Hailee and Connor in August 2006... and Sydney makes four!