Bowl-A-Thon Excitement at Paul Mitchell The School SpokaneThe long awaited evening arrives, Paul Mitchell The School Spokane Future Professionals and staff choose their team to fill the lanes of the local Bowling Ally. Each team member filling their sponsor sheet to raise money for the annual Magic of Memories
funraising event. Their Goal… $10,000.00 to benefit such charities as:
Leeza’s Place, Larry King Cardiac Foundation, Food for Africa and the Andrew Gomez Foundation.
Wonacott steady and true continues to rack up the points one frame after on other

Chris took her time to properly aim the ball, releasing in great form.

High fives… and cheers all around as each team member scored. Frame after frame you could hear the cheers as the team mates yelled the score of the frame and the addition of the money that frame yielded for charity
“6 pins… that’s okay…its 12 more dollars for charity!!!”

Steven puts his own
english on the ball as it spins towards the pins

The event was a family affair with Brunt children joining the team for the big event. With the aid of the bowling ramp Lilly and Dexter both achieved several spares during the evening.

Randi’s score consistently raised one frame after another.

George steadily hit one strike or spare frame after frame. George celebrates one of his many strikes.

Grants per
formance brought many smiles and cheers!

Don added to the fun by taking a knee praying his ball
wouldn’t end up in the gutter, again. He discovered the lower he got to the floor the higher his score.

Things were looking good for
Devri in the 6
th round when she achieved a strike. She ended the game with a spare in the 9
th and 10
th frames

Jodi was distraught with her score of 86, an all time low in the 7
th round

Zach’s challenge to “Kick Jodi’s Trash” set a fire under her to begin the final scoring.
Devri’s final score 96, an all-time personal high raised over $600.00…not good enough for the win between the two. Jodi’s lead of 111 raised over $650 for charity with an extra $100.00 pledged to the winner between the two. The final Score!
Kylie’s final score: 111 tied her mom Jodi. Yes, they are still friends. 
The final totals for the school are not in… Anissa celebrates the highest score in the 171…!!!
Good job! Looked like alot of fun!
Congratulations! That is awesome you reached your high score and raised so much money!
Congrats on your score, my bowling skills are zero
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