Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paul Mtichell Las Vegas Caper 2010

Picture this… October 28, 2009

Grease vs Hair Spary

The Hair...

The Dancing...

The Singing...

And Cool Clothes... all add up to FUN!!!

Ann-Marie as a Pink Lady... Devri the backup singer.

Cheers erupted... Don's dancing was a hit!

Maci was excited to see her Dad and Devri

A dance off...

And the Hand Jive rounded out the excitement!

Vegas watch out... here we come - Feberuary 2010


Beth said...

Looks like lots of fun! I did not even recognize you as the back up singer! I was going to call Don and give him a piece of my mind for hanging out with such a cute young hottie! Oh wait! You are a cute young hottie! LOL!

Devri and Don said...

LMBO... I wasn't sure it was me either when I looked in the mirror... I scared myself!

I also wore a long red wig for Halloween. I was a wench... Don was a skeleton Priate. Im not sure if I want to be a blonde or a red head. We had a great time!